by T1 Ball | May 21, 2022 | Salads
Serves 4Prep time: 10 minutes Ingredients:1 English cucumber, quartered lengthwise and sliced thin (1/4″)1/2 cup white vinegar1 cup water3 tablespoons sugar1 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes1 tablespoon chopped fresh dillCombine all ingredients except...
by T1 Ball | Apr 4, 2022 | Dessert, Sweets
Ingredients 1 cup granulated sugar6 Tablespoons salted butter, room temperature cut up into 6 pieces1/2 cup heavy cream, at room temperature1 teaspoon salt Directions Heat granulated sugar in a medium heavy-duty saucepan (avoid using non-stick) over medium heat,...
by T1 Ball | Apr 4, 2022 | Main Course, Pork
Ingredients 6 – 9 lbs pork shoulder 2/3 cup salt 1/3 cup ground pepper Directions Combine salt and pepper and apply to washed pork shoulder. Cook pork shoulder, preferably in smoker, at 250f to 300f for about 4 hours… until internal temp is about 160F. When pork...
by T1 Ball | Apr 3, 2022 | Condiments
Ingredients 1/2 or whole small red onion sliced thin (use a mandolin) 1 cup white vinegar 1/3 cup sugar 1/2 t salt Directions Dissolve sugar and salt in vinegar using glass or non-reactive container. Add sliced onions and refrigerate for at least four hours,...
by T1 Ball | Sep 7, 2021 | Main Course
Serves 16 Prep time: 30 min.Cook time: 12 hoursTotal time: 12 1/2 hours Ingredients:12-16 pound brisket2 T vegetable oil1/3 cup kosher salt1/3 cup pepper1 1/2 T ancho chili powder1 cup brewed black coffee (Rubber gloves recommended for prep…) Instructions: trim...